My journey

I'm Lizzy Delaney, a health and behaviour change coach who specialises in supporting women who are struggling with yo yo dieting, emotional eating and poor body confidence, to overcome their negative relationship with food and their body so that they can start taking care of their health, without it feeling like a chore.

My approach combines the use of intuitive eating, behaviour change work and mindset coaching to support you in overcoming these struggles for good.

Why do I do what I do?

Because I have been there.

I know in my bones how it feels to wake up and the first thought of the day is, “What am I going to eat today? How can I eat healthily today? How can I burn more calories today?”.

I have been there. Avoiding looking in the mirror, because you can't bear to look at yourself, trawling through your clothes, because you feel so anxious about what to wear.

I have felt the worry and stress around deciding what to eat and wandered around the supermarkets for hours because I wanted to choose the “right” foods.

I have experienced the overwhelming urge to eat emotionally or to have a binge.

I know how much this can take over your life.

I tried for years to control my food intake using restrictions and diets.

I didn’t trust myself around food without those restrictions. I believed that if I removed the rules, then I would just eat everything in sight. I thought endlessly about how I could change my body. Being healthy became solely about my weight, but the implications that this had on my mental health were huge. 

I was frustrated, overwhelmed, anxious, stressed and lacked motivation. I had no self-belief and didn’t have any life goals because I had put all of my focus into trying to control the shape of my body using food and exercise. I wasn’t happy. I felt like I was a spectator of my own life because I was always thinking about food.

I struggled with food for 14 years of my life. How many years have you been struggling for? 

I can tell you now, dieting does not work.

The next diet will not work any better than the last one, because the answer to your issues isn’t something that can be fixed by something external. Diets, restrictions, “trying to be healthy”, none of it will stick for the long term. Your mindset towards yourself, your life and your health needs to change. You have to do the work on yourself.

You have to heal your mindset. 

I made a change…

I have spent the last 6 years working solely on my mindset and have found the freedom and the healthy lifestyle that I never believed to be possible.

I feel happy and free. My mind and my body are healthy and it feels so good.  I am incredibly passionate about supporting empowered women who are ready to change their lives to overcome this struggle for good, so that they can begin to thrive.

Hear it from my clients

My Qualifications

Behaviour and Habit Change Coaching - Future Fit Training Academy

Diploma of Education (Foods, Nutrition & Wellness Studies) - Precision Nutrition

Diploma of Education (Nutrition & Weight Management) - Future Fit Training Academy

Health Coaching - Institute of Transformational Nutrition

Finding food freedom comes from within — and I’m here to help you heal.

Chat with me

If you’re ready to make a change, let’s talk.